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Flint River Archery
Outdoor 3D Archery Classes

Archers can choose to learn Indoor Target Archery and Outdoor 3D Archery separately or they can register and participate in a combination class.  

3D Archery Classes are only offered through the months of March-August.

Archers that are interested in our S3DA team will need to register for 3D archery through the months of March - August and for Indoor Target through the months of October - March.  The month of March overlaps into both target & 3D as we are beginning to learn 3D yet still attending some indoor target tournaments in March. 

Archers that are interested in JOAD will need to register for our Indoor Target archery classes. 


Outdoor 3D Archery

Flint River 3D Archery Classes


3-D Archery often takes the archery range into the woods and introduces archers to unique shot angles, and shooting scenarios.

3-D archery gets its name from the three-dimensional targets that are set up at each station. Usually these targets are shaped like animals.  The targets range from small skunks to massive dinosaurs.

Flint River archers will learn to shoot and score both types of targets.


Delta McKenzie 3D TARGETS:

Rinehart 3D TARGETS:


Register For 3D Archery Classes

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

Register For a combination 3d & outdoor target Archery Class

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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